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Gambel Communications Blog

Insights and tips to improve your communication efforts

The Opportunities that June Holds for a Mid-Year Strategy Reset

By Sharon Truxillo

Falling smack in the middle of the year, June is often overlooked as a monumental month.  

Unlike January’s good intentions, by the time June rolls around, things are coming in hot and getting real. As opposed to May’s Mother’s Day teas, June is frizzy hair and sunburns.  

Lost in the travel rush or somewhere in the summer shuffle, we often forget to reflect on the magnificent opportunities the month offers.  

The middle of the calendar year—when approached with purpose—can help set the stage for a renewed sense of confidence that blossoms at year-end (or in other times in the year). 

Personally, in June, I always draw my inspiration from Father’s Day and advice from my dearest Dad: “Time to get a move on it!”  

Here are some things I encourage my friends and clients to focus on at mid-year. 

Mid-year Check-Ins: In our house, my father always set the clocks five minutes early to make sure we arrived not on time but ahead of schedule. With this eye toward the minutes ticking by, in June, I advise my clients to schedule mid-year reviews of goals and objectives.  

The month is perfect for brushing off performance expectations and examining whether we are on pace to finish the year strong. What plans might need revisiting to ensure we accomplish everything we wanted to? 

In June, there is still time to talk about it and make a difference.  

Celebrate Your Wins: Like the start of summer vacations, June is also a good time for celebrations. Life. Work. It’s a journey - too often the rollercoaster and less often the lazy river. My father’s chop-chop style of getting there sometimes thwarted our ability to enjoy the drive along the way.  

My advice: Take some notes in June of early successes and don’t overlook mini milestones or forget to celebrate day-to-day. I appreciate that that we take time to celebrate successes at Gambel.  

Reconnect With Intention: The month and summer in general are also important for something else we hold dear and that is connecting intentionally with others. Just as a summer vacation may be important to reconnecting with your family and loved ones, you might consider taking time when things are a little slower to reconnect with key stakeholders. 

The days are longer, perhaps a little less hectic in June. This means extra time for the long-planned phone call, lunch or happy hour. Try to schedule with intention one or two of these touchpoints.  

As always, if you need a little inspiration, we are here for you. We are honored to be your communications partners along on the journey - whatever the season in your business or life. 

Annie Matherne